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BCS Sustainability Focus Within Technology


Technology works for People. As a result, IT Professionals are challenged by creating the environment in which Sustainability Goals can be identified. Then achieving these Goals become the challenge.  In this Webinar, BCS Sustainability Focus Within Technology is discussed with Ben Combes The Assistant Director of the Innovation & Sustainability Practice at PwC UK.

This Webinar by BCS about IT For Good – Help The World” is of relevance to anyone working in IT fields with an interest in the enhancement Technology creates; In addition to anyone who would like to develop their knowledge. Understanding the fundamental principles to use Technology to benefit the World has become important.

Fig 1: 17 Global Goals of Sustainability �WEG (www.weg.net)

As technology experts, with a curiosity of where the destination of Technology is road mapped.  this bold webinar will those a spotlight on the skills you focus upon your own careers.


Speaker Ben Combes

The Speaker is Ben Combes The Assistant Director of the Innovation & Sustainability Practice  at PwC UK.

Ben shares his approaches to faster and dynamic applications of future technologies in this BCS Webinar. He discusses the Global Goals of the WEG (Fig1. 17 Global Goals of Sustainability) and The Essential 8 technologies role in making these goals achievable. These Technologies are

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Augmented Reality
  • Blockchain
  • The Internet of Things
  • 3D Printing
  • Drones
  • Virtual Reality
  • Robotics

By understanding the role of these technologies, consequently Professionals understand datasets and brainstorming the creativity process.

The collaborative nature of exploring the data narrative as far as our understanding of the available technology permits. Broadening our collective imaginations empowers Professionals to maximise the scope of where this expansive benevolent approach can take the Industry. In turn, the information becomes clear in explanations to the General Public.


By the end of this Webinar, you should;

  • Understand how handing raw data sets through the framework of ‘IT for Good’ is part of the creative collaborative journey that everyone from System Architects to end-users can embrace and empower
  • Gain an insight into the fundamental responsibility Technology has to inspire and stimulate the Human Development Story
  • See some experience in identifying the practical application of principles used within Big Data Technologies.



Following the Webinar, you will see who to apply these fundamental elements of Technology. This enables confidence to enter wider discussions. For instance, how to complete, refine and develop initiatives within your organisation collaboratively.

Technological Advancement exceeds Software and Technical familiarisation. This is a new mindset to bring the ideas of the future to life.

Who Should Watch

If you are working with information, policy, business or design, you will find this Webinar of interest.

As technology now commands a High Rock view over most aspects of Contemporary Living, all the ideas discussed are familiar to most of us on some level.

If you are looking to establish a baseline of your understanding of Information, design and the Internet of things you will discover there will be several takeaway from this Webinar.

Content Includes

  • Disruption Events including the impact of COVID-19
  • Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
  • Water, Air and Food distribution
  • Equality and Software to benefit all