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BCS NLB event audience

Attendee comments: Ray Long (Past BCS President): "I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed this event and to thank you again for inviting me. It was informative, enjoyable and well-organised - a model for how we should be doing these things! Thank you again and I look forward to attending more NLB events in future."

"I greatly enjoyed yesterday’s discussion of the Red Queen. Informative and educational." Stephen Ellingham, Business Analyst and BCS Member

"I am a new member of the BCS and developing my career into cyber and information security. 
The wominspiration webinar was great, I enjoyed and gave me more clarity about my future professional development. Many Thanks". Maria Di Mare, AMBCS

"IT Heads 2021: 5 Epic Fails of the Cybersecurity Industry’ - it was not what I expected. It was so much better and I also had some great laughs. The presenter said what we rarely hear - the honest truth of external factors on the Cybersecurity industry." Alex Beisser, Head of Security Compliance and Regulations.